Investments are not simple decisions. Not only do people spend time researching, analyzing, and calculating their prospects of return, but they also need to be in sync emotionally with their financial decisions. Bigger the investment, the bigger the emotional decision. And with all matters of real estate, there are hardly any decisions that are made purely based on logic. Luckily for real estate businesses, it is possible to connect to potential investors or buyers at a very human level. And the strongest medium for that connection is social media. As the best digital marketing agency in India, here’s guiding you through some of the most effective ways for real estate businesses to leverage social media.
Pick a storytelling approach
Of course, people want to know all the details about the property they are planning to buy – the number of square yards, the floor plan, which way the property faces, etc. But give them a feel of how it would be to build their home in that total square area – how there is enough space for children to play inside or outside the house and how the naturally well-lit balcony is perfect to enjoy your morning cup of coffee.
Post-quality visuals
The visual appeal of any business on social media is key to reaching out to your target audience. Invest in professional photoshoots of the properties and post some stunning photos and videos. If you are at a stage where the property hasn’t been built yet, ensure that your virtual mock-ups are also visually appealing. Let people get a sense of what they are planning to invest in.
Include testimonials
Do not forget your existing clients and customers. What potential buyers or investors want to know is whether they can trust you with their money. In other words, is it worth investing in/moving into this property? What better way to reassure them than by posting stories about other people who have been through the same experience of buying real estate from you?
Interact on social media
When you take part in conversations, your audience starts building a real, human image of you. So ensure that you reply to comments and queries, make interactive posts, hold live events and answer people’s questions, etc. Personal interactions are the best, but even if you would simply like to redirect people to your website, ensure that you reply.
Redirect to details
Once people get their assessment of the experience of investing in real estate with you, they are going to look for more solid details like the location of properties, price points, size of properties, etc. Ensure that you have your contact information visibly out there. If you are redirecting followers to your website, ensure that the information on your website is accurate and updated.
Remember, real estate is not an impulsive purchase. Your clients or potential buyers will be spending a lot of time thinking about the ‘right investment’ or ‘the right choice. With the right tone of voice and consistent posting on social media, you get an opportunity to ease and guide their decision-making process – so make the most of it. Use the tips above to launch your real estate marketing strategy, and you’ll be able to attract a larger audience, engage them, and generate more leads. If you ever get stuck, you can always seek help from any social media agency in India. In order to reach the right audience and generate more leads for your real estate business, reaching out to the best digital marketing agency in India is always the best option.